This is amazing Live TV Streaming & movie portal app comes with a powerful PHP admin script. OXOO is a Android mobile version of OVOO Live TV Streaming script. It will give the best entertainment experience as an IPTV author or movie application / site owner. Your customer can watch movies and TV live on Android devices without any problem. And you can manage your TV channels and movies using the
OXOO – Android Live TV & Movie Portal App
July 15, 2021
man all this is way too expensive, i would pay if it was let’s say 2 or 1$ per script or source code
i suggest you downgrade the prices a little? so people try it out first, because the website is new and can’t be trusted from the first time
i hope you accept this review 🙂
We are here to provide original quality codes that’s why we invest lots of dollar to buy these code. If we are going to provide a script for $ 1 or $ 2, then this website will be shutdown.
But surely we will reduce our price every time we get more customers.
woooahhh nice bro i need th is
nice share thank you.
pre purchased question is this script will work with ovoo version 3.0.4 or can i get both script with 100 point
Ok I can manage both scripts with 100 point for you.
ok i will buy it on 1st aug
i can’t login admin panel pls help me.
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pleasse update v1.2.8